Monday, September 4, 2017


As Malaysians, we are blessed with a lot of holidays. 
I won't pretend that I do not feel happy when I get extra days off but I do agree with what people are talking about reducing productivity. 
I feel so reluctant to get back to school, to start everything all over again, to go through the same things over and over again, to see the same people and listen to them talk about the same things. 
Then I think of my students, I have to face them again! HELP!! 
they're probably feeling the same too, oh shit, have to face Cikgu Kho again. 
and I bet 120% they did not do the holiday work I myself or any other teacher of theirs assigned. 
I can already see myself getting mad in class tomorrow. 

anyway, how did I get here?

Oh, the holidays definitely slowed down the momentum, and I am as ready to face tomorrow as my students are ready to face SPM (which is NOT READY AT ALL). And also, knowing that holidays are coming up again, tell me how to gather myself together. T.T

I can do this. (while my heart and soul travels all around the world)

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