Sunday, August 16, 2015

whatever you do

do not work for your family. not if the business isn't yours.

this lady I know had been working for her sister upon graduating from vocational school.
'Accounts Clerk', that's her post. but apart from accounts, which is, in my opinion troublesome enough, her job scope includes telephone operator, janitor, logistics, and many more which I do not know of.
after a few attempts to resign, she succeeded. later she found out they got a new girl to do her job. 
the new girl's pay is so much higher than hers, but it seems youngsters today do not really know what they do. she studied accounts, but she doesn't know even the basics, she expects her boss' sister to come back to guide her, to clear up the mess she started. 
the boss said she would pay her sister for her help, and it was quickly forgotten. because she is her sister, right? I can't help feeling a little mad for this lady. it's no longer about the issue of money, but the way she is being treated. don't ever take people for granted, that's a really bad thing to do. 

and there's another lady I know. why do I happen to know all the unfortunate people.
studying was never her forte. after facing failures at various higher education, she came home and worked for her brother at his shop. she did everything as well, she did a lot, accounts, dealing with suppliers, publicity, almost everything. she had no time to herself, she couldn't join gatherings, her social circle became so small and restricted. she wasn't happy. one day she got into a fight with her brother. she quit, but without a proper certificate, she couldn't get any nice offer outside. and her years were wasted like that. I don't know what she plans for her future, maybe she would finally go back to her brother, to the job that she had grown so familiar with.

it might seem natural and convenient, to go work for your family. but the way I see it, it's pulling a person down, limiting room for growth, and also stripping him or her of the better opportunities the world has to offer.

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