Friday, January 3, 2014

I am thankful for...

Being away from home, I am aware of how used I am to staying outside, living my own life that I forget about mummy's wish for me to call everyday, even if there is nothing to say. Videos on how our parents are growing older as we grow up have never ceased to appear on Facebook. as lazy as I am, I would still, occasionally click into the links and shed some tears, and start missing home. Then, I would call home for a long talk which makes me feel refreshed after hanging up. 

so you should probably have guessed by now that I am really thankful for my mummy who is like a friend to me. she is crazy and sings silly songs with me, she is supportive and was my rock a few years back when I got myself into shit, she is also very cute at times especially when she asks me questions about how Facebook works, whether or not people can see what she likes or what she comments, although maybe 6 out of 10 times, I get annoyed and impatient =X. 

I will always remember 3 years back when I got my very first smartphone before entering university because my not so faithful K810i wasn't really fit to continue serving me. I was really in dilemma because I wanted to get Galaxy S which seemed a good enough phone for me, but SII was just launched and everything of it seemed so much better. the thing was, it was almost RM2000 and I couldn't really bear the thought of having my parents spend so much on a PHONE for goodness sake. they would always think twice when buying something for themselves, and most of the time, they shop only when there is sales going on. RM2000 could buy 6 of the Nokia phone they were using at that time. I was still hesitating but daddy and mummy made the choice for me, and there, I got my SII, still loyally serving me today =D

then, as time passed, more and more people had smartphones and tablets. but stuck with her old phone since she is VERY VERY careless, mummy would constantly tell me how shy she is to take out her phone during gatherings because her friends are all swiping away. so, the last time I was at home, daddy finally got mummy her smartphone, and now, my mummy can swipe swipe swipe as well! =D

and we have been more in touch because she'll whatsapp me photos of life at home
they have fruits for dinner, they went out with baby yaoyao =D

and she happily got herself a new outfit in the year end sale

and guess what, just recently, daddy also chucked his old phone for a smartphone
and has now a Facebook account as well =D
they planned to get a tablet at first but thought a smartphone was more practical

guess technology does sometimes bring people closer as well? heehee.
haven't called home since last year, haha. gonna do it tomorrow once I wake up.
thanks to daddy, mummy and froggie. =D
I have a wonderful life and a wonderful family

lifelong lesson.

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