Friday, August 31, 2012


hahaha, i did the same thing last year.

有点难以置信,可是我离开晋中也已经四年了。昨晚和表姐妹还有青蛙妹妹疯狂的唱着一堆爱国歌曲,我竟然默默地回忆起了中学的时候。每年都一定有的国庆日周会,某些年热血地站在椅子上挥旗的许宇晨,想当年最喜欢很大声的喊的KERANAMU!,最喜欢的Tanggal 31,还有那年4S1辉煌的Choir Competition,感觉好遥远。天啊。我老了。T.T。

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

our kitchen days =)

this is quite an outdated post haha, but i have nothing better to do so here i come XD
our first ever Mille Crepe! =DD 

thanks so much to Miss Froggie who helped flipping all the crepes
the pan was really hot, of course the crepes also.
your work will be rewarded, with tie sha zhang. haha

i know it looks a bit disgusting haha

but you see! wheee XDD

it's the most successful product of ours since i came back!!
no more macaroons, no more brownies.
guess we will explore some other flavours of the mille crepe hehehe
ugh, can i not go back to um? =(

Monday, August 27, 2012


啊哈哈 非常之不好意思 标题有点很粗俗
照片也是故意放倒反的 因为我爽 你能拿我怎样

反正本人今天就大驾光临 Inti College 去找九把刀先生
而就在他进场时同样的事情又发生了 我超级靠近他 可是还是太慢了
不要紧啦 他不是周杰伦 哈哈

不过竟然有人带那么长的镜头 可能他以为要拍星星
有点没有礼貌 lol 不过本面包连相机都没带所以他们不能取笑那个小小的相机 我赢了!

难怪我没有这么成功 因为我很少看漫画 =(

不过对于One Piece我想我跟他还满有共鸣的哈哈哈

他在示范自由格斗那晚 lol


分享完毕 我当然没有去买书跟他要签名lol

最后附上自恋照一长 豆豆吓死人的多

Saturday, August 25, 2012


hi. i just came back from dinner in Heritage and then Sharing @ downtown's soft opening =D

it's more spacious and seems to be more cool also because of the very open space

le menu. a tad bit more expensive than planet's. but still nice and reasonable laaa XDD

ordered crazy monkey (banana smoothie with peanut)
but there was no peanut =(

ice cream chicken chop!

xiwang sharing downtown  生意兴隆 高朋满座 人山人海 水泄不通 hahaa

Friday, August 24, 2012

wuuu~ my love..

 look it's ibeho =DD
we rocked and rolled the morning with BREAKFAST heehee

it's only our 3rd outing since we both came back ==. terrible T.T

and this breakfast set which consists of a cup of beverage, a sunny side up egg, bake beans and ham, only costs RM2!
don't rub your eyes, it really costs RM2 only!! in Gourmet Sausage near Secret Recipe Jalan Song =)

talked for quite a long time over the super cheap breakfast.
berat mata memandang, berat lagi bahu memikul. T.T

and then we went down town, initially to look for straws for ibeho's shop
manatau it became souvenir shopping trip hahaha
eii weii ibeho women de toufa you zai chabuduo yiyang chang le XD

i think i have been down town too frequent in these two months haha. tourist bah. @@

next station was The Spring. we shopped again omg.
and lunch.

this garlic fried rice is shockingly tasty.

nahh hehe don't say i no good upload your weird photos ah XD

and this tempura set which is expensive and not nice T.T bei pian le =((

啊哈哈哈 你岂有此理莫名其妙胆大包天
竟然拐了一小圈说我的字很艺术 我很感动 哈哈哈哈
所以决定不爱你了 没有啦 我办不到 lol
谢谢你啦 我也是很幸运很幸福 hehehe

好啦 反正就是谢谢你 又让我感动了 T.T
时间过得太快 我好像会很想你
回去照样好好照顾自己啦 好好读书 不要想东想西
很多事情 想了也不会奇迹似的改变
天塌下来 我才不会帮你挡
可是我比你高 没有办法 还是会砸到我
哈哈哈 原谅我的胡言乱语
最后就是 亲爱的 我爱你 爱死你啦!
天啊 这完全就是情书
不够恶心 MWAHHHHH!!! see you soon heeheehee

Thursday, August 23, 2012


so i still can curl my hair haha

but i miss my long long hair T.T

haha this is quite a pointless post
but yay we finished making our first ever mille crepe =D

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

muffins. blueberry muffins.

when your lose your libraries after scumbag laptop undergoes windows update
hahaha. yes that was what i did. ==

tadaa =D

the bottom left looks just like an Osaka cake =DD

maybe... not that alike hahaha.
next on the list: Mille crepe! =O!!

my recent favourite songs =D
have been listening for at least a week

actually it's just because i am too lazy to add more songs to my song list
but they are really nice also la haha

Monday, August 20, 2012

feels like CNY!

yesterday we had this family gathering. whee everyone is back here!!! =D
laptop rescue in process. (Xiaojiu studied IT)
i now have my libraries recovered (HALLELUJAH)
but my Google Chrome and its bookmarks remain missing
so i guess, suan le ba T.T.

the FOOD!! lasted us until dinner and still could tapao @@

somehow someone brought along Nips haha
long time no see!

Qi Jie's birthday present from her Mummy: S3!!
despite its ugly outlook (HAHA even she says so ==), i have to admit the camera is really super good
never mind la, i still love my dear phone. it's been a year already =D
and is still working well heehee

mwah. <3 .="." p="p">
super yummy apple strudel which Tien Jie brought back from Australia

nah closer look.
not much closer actually haha

and after Ice Age 3 it was kinect time!!!
beach volleyball and bowling are the musts. hehe

and introducing a new game: figure skating from a new disc XDD

whee, excellent moves.
but i beat his score mwahaha
and Zongjia beat mine T.T

tried double waterfall braid on miss frog out of boredom

and on myself =D

Selamat Hari Raya! hahaha

Saturday, August 18, 2012

wo pekcek dao keluar steam.

mama gong gong i am really so pekcek. T.T
it's like being stripped naked.
i tried recovering my settings and downloaded chrome again, also transfered my library back
but when i turned on the laptop again, all was gone.
and now i using IE. i think my whole head is boiling. ==
so this was last Saturday. == planned going to Kuching Fest again but it was raining
my Herb Chicken Soup with Rice in After Four. 

 Miss Froggie's cheese baked rice HAHAHA they dare call this cheese baked rice
even i make a better one. ahahah. ==

 and mummy's nasi lemak.

then the rain stopped lol. so off we went to the fest since Sunday would be the last day.
 some cute stalls that we didn't get to see when we first went

 pig sho cute =DD

had frozen yoghurt again. ahha
this time no dry topping cz miss froggie didn't know what she wanted
HAHA. sorry wo hen shao wo hen meiyou mood T.T

ooh look i got a new casing.
at only RM7. wheeee!!

byebye. see when i got mood i blog again la.
i got quite some things piled up.