Saturday, July 7, 2012

macaron #1

i mentioned about  making macarons today.
and of course you know the picture above is just googled haha.

the preparation work. =) 
Choki choki is the cheapest substitute for.. Nutella. lol

so this is me preparing the mixture for the biscuit.
my pants super colourful don't you find it super cute haha

but i suddenly felt like a Korean.
you know how they mix their rice in all Korean dramas? haha

so anyway, we made some blue ones as well.

and i think miss Kero and i both expected them to turn out
like this. close enough haha

all set to get into the oven =D
which is also the most complicated part.

waiting and waiting
but they started to crack =(

the final results.

they tasted really like macarons

they just don't look that macaron. =(
but it's okay. we still have another pack of almond powder to go
we plan to buy pink colouring as well
then we can have blue, pink and purple! XD

signing off with a photo of me ahhaha

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